Adk Field Naturalist(AFN) will be going to Upper/Lower Lakes Wildlife Management Area (WMA):
this coming Sunday, 4 Oct. We will meet at Indian Creek Nature Center in Canton @ 9AM. From there we will explore the WMA trails, and wetlands. Bring food, field guides, bino's, and sturdy walking shoes.
If you are interested in joining AFN(free and open to the public)...please drop an email to Brian (
"Adirondack Field Naturalists"
Purpose 1: To promote the investigation, education,
and appreciation of the natural world that lies within
the Adirondack Region of Upstate New York.
Purpose 2: Through planned field trips, workshops, and
lectures, supporting members can study all aspects of
the natural heritage of the Adirondack Region as well
as promote the conservation of these wild areas.
AFN workshops/field trips focus on many aspects of natural history field studies within the Adirondack region.